CJW Golf Ltd Logo

CJW Golf Ltd

Golf Construction UK & Europe - CJW Golf

Who is CJW Golf Ltd?

At CJW Golf International, we strive for excellence and are committed to delivering a bespoke service that goes beyond our client’s expectations. Delivering a highly bespoke and specialist service, our team take an enormous amount of pride in the job we do. A private club based in Surrey, New Zealand Golf Club is an exclusive course offering selected tee times at premium rates. Their team of diverse professionals have helped us through logistics, construction as well as the grow in, of the new developed areas.

This company is:

Service provider

Mole Valley, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2010

Products & services of CJW Golf Ltd

Product CJW Golf International - Services image


CJW Golf International - Services

Delivering a highly bespoke and specialist service, our team take an enormous amount of pride in the job we do.

Product CJW Golf International - Portfolio image


CJW Golf International - Portfolio

Our renowned reputation has seen us manage high profile projects throughout the UK and Europe, always meeting our clients expectations.

Product Specialised Team Services - CJW Golf International image


Specialised Team Services - CJW Golf International

At CJW Golf, our team members have been specially trained in the finishing process of final layers of the construction process of greens,

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Golf course construction


Real Estate

Contact of CJW Golf Ltd

City: Mole Valley

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about CJW Golf Ltd

The company CJW Golf Ltd is located in Mole Valley, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information CJW Golf Ltd has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

CJW Golf Ltd was founded in 2010

The company CJW Golf Ltd has it's main focus in the industries of Real Estate